Recruitment of participants CODE TRADING COURSES 3

Discussion in 'Video courses, trainings, educational material' started by GOODMEN, 15 October 2020.

Recruitment of participants
500.00 USD
0 of 30
Settlement fee for participation:
17 USD
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    GOODMEN Administrator
    Staff Member Administrator

    21 April 2019
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    Code 3 Course

    In this video I will teach you a secret I discovered about Code 3.
    When I first taught Code 3 I had not yet made the gigantic discovery that I’ve just made.
    I will show you how to use Code 3 in the most effective way possible, simplifying the entire approach and minimizing losses as much as possible.
    I will teach you how to stay out of choppy market days using a very simple technique. I will show you many new secrets I’ve learned from using the Code 3 over the last 9 months. With the use of all three codes you can learn how to profit from the markets like I’m now able to do. I’m now using all three codes in all my trading.
    I have also now switched to using Code 3 for most of my entries. I use Code 1 for most of my exits/profits. I use Code 2 with Code 3 now on virtually everythng I trade.

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