Download Dream Signal 3

Discussion in 'Indicators' started by GOODMEN, 29 August 2019.


    GOODMEN Administrator
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    #1 GOODMEN, 29 August 2019
    Last edited: 18 June 2020
    Dream Signal 3

    (3 confirmations in one signal)
    In the picture below, let's look at the first tool in the Dream Signals software called the "Dream Signals Scalper". This indicator identifies three confirmed conditions which makes it accurate! Look to the top far right of the chart below. You will see three boxes with checkmarks and below will be an actual message being shown to you, when the conditions are met. In the picture below, all three boxes are checked which means, the Dream Signals Scalper has confirmed its conditions and they all signal "buy". So it'll show "Scalp Buy Now". If all conditions are not met, a message will display that this: DO NOT TRADE. Remember, you must only enter a trade when the three boxes have a checkmark. An example Buy trade


    Observe below. This example shows a perfect sell trade. Once again, all three conditions were met and message alerted us with a SCALP SELL NOW! message. An example Sell trade


    This great indicator is heavily used by traders. It is based on the Bollinger Band formula, however, this tool literally highlights the Buy and Sell zones for you directly on your chart. When the market is in the green zone, it signals a buy trade and if the market is it the red zone, it signals a sell. With this indicator, it's better to confirm the trade with other signals. You will learn about that as we go along. Look at the chart below. There are two ways of trading the Buy-Sell Zone, however, the best way is to wait for a bounce and reversal from the top or bottom line and enter as the market crosses the middle line. So If you are to enter a buy trade, then wait for the market to bounce from the bottom line and only enter when the market crosses the middle line to enter the buy zone. If you are to enter a sell trade, then wait for the market to bounce off the top line and only enter when the market crosses the middle line and enters the sell zone.



    • (A screenshot of a LIVE trade!)
    This screenshot was taken during a LIVE active sell trade. By looking at the "sell entry", you can see exactly where the entry needs to be when entering a sell. This trade ended in a profit.



    • (non-repainting)
    A wonderful way of confirming signals is to use arrows. The arrows included in Dream Signals 3, are very accurate to even use individually, however, it is recommended that you use more indicators to confirm your trades. Our arrows are different than the traditional ones that you might have used in the past. One great feature about them is that they do NOT repaint, which is something all traders want. The arrows can be fun to use especially when using an M5 to M30 chart for scalping but of course, all time frames will work just as well. The red arrows signal "sell" and blue arrows signal "buy".




    If you cannot notice this indicator, look closely at the candlesticks. If you are an experienced trader, you may have probably already realized something unique about them. The difference is in the "candlesticks". These are not the same candlesticks that traditional charts have. The candlesticks are the indicator! This indicator will only show the candlestick's colors based on price trend. In this picture, look at the top of the chart. It is set to a "Line Chart". So this confirms that the candles you see are 100% the indicator. This one is guaranteed to be one of your favorites.



    (LIVE TRADE SCREENSHOT!) There are hundreds of different ways to Dream Signals but here is a suggested combination of indicators that we advise you to use. Make sure at least 2 of the indicators match. The more indicators you use to confirm, the better it will be for you. Look at the chart below. In this case, three of the indicators confirmed a buy trade! The Price Trend Candlesticks, External W.S Omnipotence Signal, and the Confirmation Arrow Signals confirmed the trade. Now this entry has a much higher probability of success. We took a trade on this, and you can see our profit so far at the bottom right of the screen..


  2. rpfslb

    rpfslb Active Member

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  4. dascore

    dascore New Member

    27 June 2020
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    My first post and sharing, hope it's done correctly. Here's the files- free to use. Thanks

    Attached Files:

  5. Admin

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