Discussion in 'Trading systems and strategies' started by Admin, 19 September 2019.

  1. Admin

    Admin Administrator
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    19 April 2019
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    Impulse trading trading system is attractive for its high reliability, stability and profitability. The explanation is simple. Momentum in the market is a strong recoilless movement. This property of market movement is invaluable for binary options trading.

    The essence of the pulses
    To build an impulse trading system and develop a trading strategy based on it, it is necessary to understand the essence of impulses in market movements. In principle, it is intuitively clear what an impulse is – a strong short movement. In order to develop an effective, working impulse trading system, it is necessary to understand the driving forces of the market, as a result of the interaction of which there are strong movements.

    So I'll start with "ABC". The market is formed and created only by 2 types of participants-sellers and buyers. The sellers form the offer, the buyers demand. It is clear that their interests are different: sellers tend to sell more expensive, and buyers buy cheaper. Accordingly, they evaluate the market in accordance with their preferences.

    Different interpretations of the market situation and different expectations of where the market will move, and in the case of FOREX currency pair, cause market fluctuations. Oscillations are characterized by duration and amplitude. Long-term directional movement is called-trend (trend). Rollback in this movement and return to the previous movement-correction. Movement in the range without a pronounced trend is flat. Short strong directional movement-impulse.

    impuls.jpg impuls 1.jpg

    Implementation of impulse system

    In order to implement a trading system based on impulse market movements in practice, it is necessary to take into account the fact that one of the participants in the market battles – sellers or buyers-has seized the initiative.
    With regard to technical analysis – this means that the indicators on all periods will give the same readings. Without exception, all indicators were developed to determine the balance of forces between buyers and sellers. In the short term, buyers may have the initiative, in the medium term – sellers, and in the long term – flat.
    You need to decide first of all on the trading period.

    Well, you see, why waste your time trying to break the Bank in trade and take all 100% of the profits of the market (which is unlikely to happen if You do not have the necessary experience). When you can quietly tear out of the total daily turnover of a couple of hundred dollars from the binary and Forex. That will eventually amount to two or three thousand dollars of your monthly income.
    • Helpers indicators (corridor volatility signal indicator input)
    • Template system
    • Instruction
    • Installation
    Link 1 :
    Link 2 :
    Daikoku2020 and Alit KC like this.