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problem is maybe also that RTM has not so many seats available. So if we get it finished our GB here and Volsignal stuff is reading in this forum they know by the date obviously who we probably are. And they will probably ban us. So we need a plan also not to be the obvious pirate customer lol
problem is maybe also that RTM has not so many seats available. So if we get it finished our GB here and Volsignal stuff is reading in this forum they know by the date obviously who we probably are. And they will probably ban us. So we need a plan also not to be the obvious pirate customer lol
It will run until April 13
I paid for this group back in January and to clone discord would be useless since what they do is share a tradingview chart with lines on it on a streaming channel. Basically they don’t tell you to buy or sell just tell you whenever the market can go in return to the mean mode. I saw some awesome things if you guys do this I’m in!
The way to do this is to restream what they stream. Cause they barely don’t post anything in the chat channels, and trading close guy damn he talks he sends audios around 4-5 minutes in the chat of the streaming channel
so its not something we can do implement into our trading without their service?
I paid for this group back in January and to clone discord would be useless since what they do is share a tradingview chart with lines on it on a streaming channel. Basically they don’t tell you to buy or sell just tell you whenever the market can go in return to the mean mode. I saw some awesome things if you guys do this I’m in!
do they record their sessions and upload it?
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