Realised Win@Roulette every time U play Casino/Online invest $181 Special4Training&Notes

Discussion in 'Requests for joint purchases' started by blackstuff, 28 October 2024.

  1. blackstuff

    blackstuff Member

    28 June 2022
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    Hi, I've looked at this guy's long term returns, he gives solid grades not like other martingale strategies on ebay but exactly like roulette tactics online or in real casino. The buyers are also very satisfied and I understand this when I look at the previous returns and the current ones. Be sure to join our magic numbers joint purchases that I have shared before this, the system works. In addition, I think we should take advantage of this master person, I think we should try it. I think there is also 1 1 on 1 zoom except for the notes. Instead of paying for systems like Martingale, we should at least pay for such systems. Let's finish this.

    LİNK :



    Am offering to you MY PERSONAL TRAINING along with a nine page "MY NOTES" document (HOW-TO-WIN every single time you play) which can lead you to a perpetual and sustainable revenue stream for the rest of your life. Don't pay for any shipping, I'll send it perfectly every time. Send me your email.

    I will email you a .pdf format file--then we will schedule YOUR TRAINING at your earliest convenience after you have reviewed my 9 page NOTES in the .pdf file. The notes will open your mind to prepare you for my Training--and the training will put it ALL together for you to understand the complete investment strategies within the game of roulette.

    I invested over $10G and 120 personal hours to figure it all out back in 2003, and now I just want to share this gift with other willing investors for FREE. So just INVEST IN YOURSELF today, and change your life for the better. Buy It Now! : -)

    This is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme or some dopey "how-to-make-money fast" scam or fad. Winning every single time you play is NOT luck. It is a skill. A learned behavior (just like mastering chess or your current job). It must be understood through teaching, like simple mathematics, then apply that knowledge from a place of knowledge rather than HOPING to win with LUCK?

    I will teach you a proven sustainable strategic advantage that mitigates the HOUSE advantage, as you know odds always favor the house--Not any more! Putting those odds overwhelmingly in your favor by well over 90%--it is much easier than you think. Winning "sometimes", or when you "think" you know what you're doing, while relying on "probability" aka "chance"- that is "LUCK"; that is not SKILL! One has to go from "wondering" to KNOWING. Most play roulette wondering, guessing, or hoping to get lucky. I will get you playing it from a place of "KNOWLEDGE" (root KNOW) with absolute mathematical certainty. Believe it or not, it is some practical common sense + logic + knowing and understanding the applicable "laws" in play (not theories). It is more than just the "law of probability."

    I have trained even novice players into winners, and they too realize it is a fairly simple to understand, easy to practice. This GIFT should not be taken for granted. Should be added to your financial portfolio, and it travels well as casinos are being built all over the country. YES, you can win while on vacation--recouping all your expenses anywhere and everywhere you go--plus a smidgen more--for the rest of your life. Again, my gift to you!

    What amount of money could ALL of your FUTURE returns be (Returns On Investment ROI); 1000, 10,000, 100,000 dollars, or more? Is that worth a $181 investment today? BUY IT NOW.

    IF you are experienced at playing and winning regularly but not always, then YOU GOT THIS! I will TRAIN YOU into KNOWING exactly what you've been missing to ELIMINATE all of your "FUTURE" losses. Seriously, how much is THAT WORTH to you? Imagine ALL of your previous losses -$100s or $1000s of dollars, whatever it is - THAT amount will be in your FUTURE starting NOW.
    One can make $250+ per night (low betting/slow growth) OR $2,000+ per night (higher bets/faster growth)--and recoup initial investment within minutes and repeating the process OVER and OVER again for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. Seriously, how much is that worth to you? :+)

    Can you imagine how many people have wanted me to share this for free? Do you think people should have to be willing to invest in themselves? One MUST BE WILLING to invest something in themselves, am I right? Rhetorical : -)

    The set of nine word documents (in a easy .PDF format file) are as follows:
    1) My Epiphanies (Describes the epiphanies I had AND WILL open your eyes and mind to what I now fully understand) including foundational principles to help you go from complete "wondering" or "hoping" to the many "points of knowledge" / "knowing". I will unbrainwash you from the limits you put on yourself through superstition and luck.
    2) Law of Probability (Describes the equation while breaking it down systematically for ease of full understanding), one MUST figure out how all the LAWS "work together" symbiotically and in their applicability to the game.
    3) Sequence of Betting variables (to better understand my Progressive Betting Sequences) which are critical for understanding how to win every time, start and stop, necessary bank roll, proper application, limits/possibilities, etc.
    4) Roulette Odds versus Payouts (House wins every time; so how does one overcome the odds(?)--I put all the documents together to understand how)
    5) Understanding Possible Outcomes (reflects sample experiment of a coin)
    6) Roulette info reference sheet
    7) Roulette Table sample
    8) Random Numbers generated (practice principles worksheet) HOW TO SEE THE PATTERNS--You will be SHOCKED at how easy...
    9) The Absolutes (The final DOs and DON'Ts for winning every single time at roulette) reiterating critical items for ensuring a future revenue stream for you and your family for the rest of your life

    Try to imagine all the things YOU might do with a new and lifetime sustainable stream of revenue:
    1. Invest more towards your retirement (make money with your money)
    2. Buy a newer, better car or home or vacation home
    3. Go back to school or pay someone else's college tuition (spouse or the kids)
    4. Go on funner, longer, vacations (and make money on your vacations at a casino) name just a few!

    Ever see the elderly at the Casinos? How much do you think they lose, weekly monthly? Avoid that for yourself, by learning it TODAY, for only $181!

    Mind blowing NEW TECHNIQUE I just discovered, during a recent training, made a gentleman 5K during his training... Easiest most efficient one yet...will blow your mind...invest only $181 today.

    : -)

    God speed to you from Michael T. in the north Dallas TX area.


    Michael T. Summers

    Ebayer: Speed1611

    USAF MSgt (Retired)


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