Recruitment of participants Anton Kreil – PTM 1.0, POTM and PFTM

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    Anton Kreil – PTM 1.0, POTM and PFTM


    Anton Kreil – PTM 1.0, POTM and PFTM
    Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management

    PTM 1.0 (Professional Trading Masterclass)

    • Complete 28 Video Training
    • 6 Bonus Videos
    • Complete Excel Files
    1. Professional vs Retail Traders 101.mp4
    2. Professional vs Retail Traders 102.mp4
    3. Distribution and Odds Calculation 1.mp4
    4. Distribution and Odds Calculation 2, Excel Training.mp4
    5. Volatility Assessment 1.mp4
    6. Volatility Assessment 2, Excel Training.mp4
    7. Volatility Assessment 3, Excel Training.mp4
    8. WISH Framework; Getting Perspective 1.mp4
    9. WISH Framework; Getting Perspective 2.mp4
    10. Correlating Indicators 1.mp4
    11. Correlating Indicators 2.mp4
    12. Correlating Indicators 3.mp4
    13. Correlating Indicators 4.mp4
    14. Correlating Indicators 5.mp4
    15. Correlating Indicators 6 with Excel Training
    16. Correlating Indicators 7.mp4
    17. Recap; What We Have Learned So Far.mp4
    18. Drilling from the Top Down 1 with Excel Training.mp4
    19a. Drilling from the Top Down 2, Real Examples.mp4
    19b. Video 19 Supplement; PEG Ratio.mp4
    20. Gate Keeping 1, Deploying Capital.mp4
    21. Gate Keeping 2, Deploying Capital with Excel Training.mp4
    22. Having Discipline 1, Risk Management with Excel Training.mp4
    23. Having Discipline 2, Risk Management with Excel Training.mp4
    24. Having Discipline 3, Risk Management with Excel Training.mp4
    25. Having Discipline 4, Self Awareness Statistics.mp4
    26. Day Trading Approach, Discipline Resources.mp4
    27. Trading Plan; Actionable Steps Implementation.mp4
    28. Examination Preparation.mp4

    POTM (Professional Options Trading Masterclass)

    • Complete 28 Video Training
    • Complete Excel Files
    01. Defining the Mandate 1.mp4
    02. Defining the Mandate 2.mp4
    03. Filtering Options Trading Strategies for Usefulness.mp4
    04. Marginal Benefits of Options Trading 1 – Advantages.mp4
    05. Marginal Benefits of Options Trading 2 – Disadvantages.mp4
    06. Long Call and Put Options Formalized.mp4
    07. Naked Short Puts .mp4
    08. Naked Short Calls.mp4
    09. The Covered Call.mp4
    10. The Covered Call Collar.mp4
    11. Index Options and Portfolio Hedging Methods.mp4
    12. Options Spreads 1.mp4
    13. Options Spreads 2.mp4
    14. Market Makers, Volatility _ Greeks.mp4
    15. Recap What We Have Learnt So Far.mp4
    16. Ratio Spreads 1.mp4
    17. Ratio Spreads 2.mp4
    18. Ladder Spreads 1 .mp4
    19. Ladder Spreads 2.mp4
    20. Volatility Masterclass 1.mp4
    21. Volatility Masterclass 2.mp4
    22. Long Straddles.mp4
    23. Long Strangles.mp4
    24. Strap Straddle.mp4
    25. Strip Straddle .mp4
    26. Strap Strangle.mp4
    27. Strip Strangle.mp4
    28. Recap and Exam Preparation .mp4

    PFTM (Professional Forex Trading Masterclass)

    • Complete 29 Video Training
    • Complete Excel Files
    1. Forex Market Foundation; Opportunity Set.mp4
    2. Forex Market Foundation 2; Regimes.mp4
    3. Forex Market Foundation 3; Infrastructure.mp4
    4. Forex Market Foundation 4; Basic Computational Methods.mp4
    5. Forex Market Foundation 5; Advanced Computational Methods, with Excel Training.mp4
    6. Forex Market Foundation 6; Advanced Computational Methods, with Excel Training.mp4
    7. Macro Fundamentals Driver 1, with Excel Examples.mp4
    8. Macro Fundamentals Driver 2, with Excel Examples.mp4
    9. Macro Fundamentals Driver 3, with Excel Examples.mp4
    10. Macro Fundamentals Driver 4, with Excel Examples.mp4
    11. Macro Fundamentals Driver 5a, with Excel Examples.mp4
    12. Macro Fundamentals Driver 5b, with Excel Examples.mp4
    13. Macro Fundamentals Driver 6a, with Excel Examples.mp4
    14. Macro Fundamentals Driver 5c, with Excel Examples.mp4
    15. Macro Fundamentals Driver 6b, with Excel Examples.mp4
    16. Recap of Previous Lessons.mp4
    17. Macro Fundamentals Driver 7, with Excel Examples.mp4
    18. Macro Fundamentals Driver 8, with Excel Examples.mp4
    19. Macro Fundamentals Driver 9, with Excel Examples.mp4
    20. Macro Fundamentals Driver 10, with Excel Examples.mp4
    21. Macro Fundamentals; Full Analysis.mp4
    22. Gate Keeping 1; Deploying Capital, with Excel Example.mp4
    23. Gate Keeping 2; Deploying Capital, with Excel Example.mp4
    24. Gate Keeping 3; Deploying Capital, with Excel Example.mp4
    25. Having Discipline 1 (Risk Management) with Excel Examples.mp4
    26. Having Discipline 2 (Risk Management) with Actionable Trading Plan.mp4
    27. Having Discipline 1 (Self Awareness Statistics) with Excel Download.mp4
    28. Having Discipline 2 (Self Awareness Statistics) with Excel Download.mp4
    29. Examination Preparation.mp4