Recruitment of participants Thinkorswim Trading Robot Multi Stocks Screener

Discussion in 'ThinkOrSwim' started by Dron, 16 March 2024.

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  1. Dron

    Dron Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Organizer

    14 September 2019
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    Thinkorswim Trading Robot Multi Stocks Screener

    How Thinkorswim Robot Works

    Multi Stocks Screener is the state of the art algorithmic trading robot designed for trading stocks fully automatically on Thinkorswim platform. Thinkorswim Trading Robot uses the power of innovative technology and based on an intelligent advanced algorithm that scans many stocks in real time and creates a stock screener map, according to which automatically determines the most promising stocks (top gainers) in terms of profitability, which show the greatest growth or decline for the current period (scan period).

    Stock Screener

    Stock Screener helps you identify the best stocks to invest.
    It scans and filters financial instruments (stocks) based on trading volumes, top gains, highest volatility.
    Stock Screener visually presents the results of a stock market scan.


    How does the Thinkorswim Robot work?

    Thinkorswim Robot Multi Stocks Screener can trade multiple stocks automatically (default 4). Stocks for trading are selected based on searching and filtering stocks using the built-in stock sreener tool. The robot has a built-in high-quality trading strategy that has been well tested and has shown excellent results and performance for trading stocks in the short and long term.
    Thinkorswim Robot allows you to use one strategy for several stocks, it is also possible to use different strategies for trading different stocks at the same time, which makes Thinkorswim Robot very flexible and increases its performance.
    The user has the ability to connect his own strategies (scripts) written in the thinkscript language. Instructions for connecting your own strategies are provided upon special request (after purchasing the main Thinkorswim Robot package).

    Here are main functions Thinkorswim Robot can do:

    Fully automated trading with Thinkorswim trading platform.
    Thinkorswim Robot trades multiple stocks at the same time.
    Has a built-in Stock Screener.
    High performance quant robot system.
    Thinkorswim Robot automatically selects and filters the best stocks to trade at the moment.
    Automatically executes trading strategy.
    Low risk strategy.
    Quantitative trading robot.
    100% algorithmic trading robot.
    Helps to increase your trading productivity.

    Algorithmic trading with Robots is the dream for many people, and it stays a dream for most. Nowadays, with the Algorithmic trading for Thinkorswim platform is a reality for many traders.
